Discover our INVAH-TEX range in Video!

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Discover our new TVP range on Youtube!

We are delighted to present our new TVP range INVAH-TEX on video! And what better way to do this than to offer you a tempting recipe with our new products?

If you came to see us at the CFIA 2021 in Rennes, you may have seen it on our stand. After having walked the red carpets of Youtube and the CFIA for some time, we want to share it with as many people as possible!

We will soon be offering you new gourmet recipes formulated with our 100% French textured vegetable proteins. So, to make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us on our social networks!

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New products

Our diet actively contributes to our health and the prevention of disease. Many foods are therefore introduced or reintroduced into our diet for their natural virtues. This is the case with legumes.