Our corn germ toasted flour, Flav-R Grain D#10 Non GM, will delight...

Available in size XS, M, & L.* Our range of textured vegetable...

Our micronised lupin flour, Farilup 200, is mainly used in the making...

Pepilup 1300: Use of yellow reflections in special loaves of bread. The...

Farilup 500 is a standard lupin flour. It is used in brownies,...

Farilup 350T is used in many applications: cakes, crepes, pie shells or...

Our whole toasted oat flour, OA-T-GF, is part of our speciality flour...

Our toasted whole soybean formula, Soybits, is perfect for making bread or...

In order to design our range of native flours, we have selected...

FRALU GRITS and FRALU BITS are part of our range of toasted...

Our Soy Hulls range consists of ground soy hulls. That is why...

Our corn germ toasted flour, Flav-R Grain D#20 Non GM, will delight...

FARILUP 400TE is a wholemeal toasted lupin flour that will bring a...